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Whether you are looking for a national champion or a hunting champion there are necessary skills that a dog must learn for you and your dog to be successful. Members of the retriever family (Labrador, Golden, Chesapeake Bay, Flat-Coated or Curly-Coated) have a natural ability to retrieve. With training, these natural talents can be honed to allow you to be successful in the field for both waterfowl and upland hunting or on the field trial / hunt test circuit.
National organizations such as NAHRA, CKC, HRC, AKC all run programs that allow you to test your dog's ability against a training standard. Tests have been developed for the started, intermediate and senior dog level. Test Schedules can be found on these organizations' websites - see our "Resources" page.
Noted below are links to each organizations' rules and regulations page so that you can view the training and test standards needed for all programs.
AKC - Field Trial - https://akc.org/pdf/RFTRET.pdf
AKC - Hunt Test - www.akc.org/pdfs/rulebooks/RHTRET.pdf
CKC - Contact the CKC at www.ckc.ca for a copy of their rulebook
HRC - http://www.ukcdogs.com/res/pdf/2011HRRulebook.pdf
NAHRA - https://nahra.org/rule-book-2/
Dakota Creek's Online Store
Pedigrees which display success in running both field trial and hunt tests with AKC, CKC, NAHRA & UKC titles